Social Media Ideas for Small Business Owners

Posting on social media for likes, comments, and shares, not only shows your community who you are, it can also increase clicks through to your website to generate sales.

If you struggle with just what to post, this article may be helpful for you to get that “know, like and trust” factor you are seeking with elevating your brand and business through social media.

Let’s dive right in.

1. Ask for Advice

Maybe you’re struggling with something, and you want to share about it and ask for advice. There is nothing wrong with exposing yourself in this way, people generally like helping people, at least that’s what I’ve found to be true. So ask for advice from your community.

You could ask your followers what they would do in a situation, or maybe someone asked you a question and you’re just not sure how to answer it. Get feedback from them. People love feeling important and helpful.

2. Personal Posts & Pictures

Let them see your life. Show them you are real, and share what you do each day. People love getting to know people through social media, and this helps to establish a friendship, even if it is only virtually.

3. Promote Another Business

Do you do business with someone that you feel the world should know about? Why not share them to your followers, so they can see them too! Not only does this help your friend in business, it shows you’re not all about yourself. ๐Ÿ˜‰

4. Customer Appreciation

Have clients that purchase from you? Ask them if it’s ok to share a Thank You post about them! If they’re not OK with having their name or picture blasted on social media, then share a generic Thank You picture and tell about why you love your customers.

This could also be in line with testimonials submitted to you, or even success stories!

5. Contests

People LOVE winning things for free. I know I sure do! So start a contest to increase likes and shares to be entered to win something from your brand. Make sure to follow the platform’s policies for these types of things.

6. Inspirational Images

We as a society love being inspired to do more with our lives. Create quotes or pictures using a handy app like WordSwag, type your company website at the bottom, or your logo, and share it. You’ll not only inspire people, but your likes, comments, and shares will expose your brand to others, too!

7. Funny Memes or Jokes

How many times have you saved a funny meme in your phone? These are so fun! I’ve saved so many of these over the years, and look back and laugh. Laughter is so good for the soul!

If you created the funny meme, be sure to write your website or place your logo on it for more exposure. If it happens to be someone else’s creation, credit the author, if you can.

8. Blog Posts

Do you have a blog? Share tidbits of information about your new blog posts you create. Share the featured image and a little blurb about it, with the link too for people to click immediately and read it.

Have a favorite blog you follow? You can also share their blog posts with a little verbiage about how it has helped you in your own life and/or business.

You could even link a tutorial you found helpful under this category too.

9. Seasonal or National Days

Thanksgiving just passed, and Christmas is coming! Share seasonal wishes to your fans, or maybe national ice cream day. You can google national days and a huge list comes up that you can highlight to your followers to have a little fun.

10. Fill in the Blank Posts

Create basic posts that your fans can comment their answer in the blank.

Example: My favorite vacation spot is __________ .

Make it fun!

11. Videos

Do you do live videos on Facebook? Talk to your fans live, share what you’re doing, or even ask questions. Maybe even do a video highlighting a certain discount you’re offering, or funny story.

If you’re not a fan of live, create a video you can edit and then upload it for your followers to see. Either way, they’re seeing YOU and probably enjoy hearing from you, if they follow you. ๐Ÿ™‚

12. Quick Tips

Have a fashion business? Share a quick fashion tip to your followers!

Whatever your industry is, share something that someone can find useful in their life.

13. Run a Poll

Have an idea or question for your fans? Run a poll. They can answer quickly and easily, and then you can share the results of your poll in another post!

14. Q & A

Do you receive questions about your business? Share with your fans about the questions you receive, and your answer, as someone else might be wanting to ask the same question, but hasn’t, so they’ll get the answer!

You may be answering a problem for them, and they’ll value your answer, even if you didn’t know it was their question too.

15. Industry News

Whatever industry you may be in, share something about your industry news that you find amazing.

Maybe you’re in the tax industry, and the government just came up with a new tax break, share about it!

Bottom line is, share about more than just a sale you’re having, and you will surely grow your community.

If you find this post helpful, or want to add to the list, feel free to comment below!

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To Your Success,

Jamie Sossamon


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